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Murdered Hollywood publicist Ronni Chasen has missing will

Ronni Chasen was a top Hollywood publicist until she was brutally shot and murdered on November 16, 2010, in Beverly Hills, California.  She left behind no children and no spouse, but a detailed will and assets valued at more than six million dollars.Chasen_ronni_publicist

You can download and read Ronni Chasen's 51-page will here, courtesy of Eonline.  

The police reportedly have solid leads related to the slaying of the 64-year old, after they approached an ex-con named Harold Smith.  Smith shot himself as police approached to apprehend him.

While the drama surrounding her death certainly overshadows Chasen's estate, there could be some conflict arising there as well.  Chasen's will leaves most of her wealth to one of her nieces, while the other niece was left only $10. 

That niece, Jill Gatsby, told E! News:

That's a real family secret regarding Ronni and my career as a writer which I am choosing to keep to myself at this time.

She implies that this secret relates to why she was left such a small amount. 

It's interesting that Chasen reportedly updated her will recently, but that newer will cannot be located. 

One of the lessons in our book, Trial & Heirs:  Famous Fortune Fights!, is to make sure to tell loved ones where to find your will, trust, and other estate planning documents.  What happens if Chasen had a new will that left Gatsby more than $10?  It may be never be found, and Gatsby may be out of luck.

No one ever expects to die, especially a successful 64-year old Hollywood insider.  Everyone should have their affairs in order, with instructions left for trusted family members. 

Detailed wills and trusts do no good when they cannot be located.

Posted by: Andrew W. Mayoras and Danielle B. Mayoras, co-authors of Trial and Heirs: Famous Fortune Fights! and co-founders of The Center for Probate Litigation and The Center for Elder Law in metro-Detroit, Michigan, which concentrate in probate litigation, estate planning, and elder law. Andrew and Danielle are husband and wife attorneys, professional speakers and consultants across the country.  Follow us on Facebook and Google+.
